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Privacy policy

Who are we?

Games Republic Limited with its seat at Malta, address: LEVEL 1, CASAL NAXARO, LABOUR AVENUE, NAXXAR NXR 9021, MALTA, (the “Company”) protects personal data of its users (both natural and legal entities) of website (the “Website”). In short, we are administrator of yours personal data.

If you have any questions, please write to us!

What we do with your personal data?

By using the Website and its content the Company collects and processes personal data (cookies, email address, IP address) of its User’s solely for the purpose of order fulfillment. The Company may also use personal data for marketing, information or other purposes (e.g. updates, contests, promotions, newsletters) solely upon Users individual consent. If the End User willingly submits any personal data while using the Website, the Company shall be deemed the administrator of their personal data.

We entrust your personal data to CRM systems, email services and marketing partners (both European and non-European) that provide only the highest security standards. Each person or entity shall be entitled to access, correct, update, transfer and remove their personal data at any given time. Otherwise, it will be stored in our database for indefinite amount of time, unless you decide to remove them.

Why we do it?

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to ensure the maximum safety of personal data of the Website Users. In particular, we want to prevent unauthorized use by any third party. The access to personal database shall be granted only to entities authorised by the Company as database administrators. The Company shall take all safety measurements to prevent personal data from loss or use by unauthorized entities. The Company ensures the realization of regulations concerning personal data protection, as well as stipulated possibility of access, actualization, removal, and notification of objections in the scope of personal data.

How it happens?

Information concerning computer’s IP, domain, type of browser and operating system shall be automatically collected during each visit of the End User on the Website. Such data shall be used only for analysis of visit statistics, in order to improve the Website’s functionality. All data collected in this manner can be accessed solely by the Company and its partners: CRM systems, email services and marketing partners (with End User’s consent).

The Company uses cookies files within its Website to identify the End User as well as to improve the Website’s functionality and correctness. Cookies will not download any personal data of the Website User. Such User can change cookies settings in his/her internet browser in order to exclude receiving or sending cookies files. The Company informs that such modification in cookies files settings in internet browser might result in difficulties in usage of Company’s Website, or even render it impossible (depending on the type of User’s settings and type of internet browser).

We want to constantly improve our services so it’s possible that we’ll find even better ways to protect your personal data. Therefore, the Company will always have the right to amend this Privacy Policy by republishing or publishing its amended version.

Remember that you can always file a complaint with the competent authority where you reside or in which your data is processed.

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